Jeremy OBE SargentBritish Chamber of Commerce Guangdong 广东英国商会Chairman
Seasoned China lawyer and entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience living and working in China; 经验丰富的律师和企业家,在中国生活和工作超过 20 年;
A fluent Mandarin speaker, completed his first degree in Chinese at Leeds University in the UK; 获英国利兹大学中文学位,普通话流利;
Established “The Happy Monk”, the first gastro pub concept in Guangzhou in 2009, which has grown to become an award-winning brand in the hospitality industry, with a team of 180 employees, operating five busy downtown locations; 2009 年创立广州首家 The Happy Monk 概念餐吧,目前已发展成为本土餐饮业知名品牌,多次获得行业大奖,拥有 180 名员工的团队,在广州市中心区域拥有五家连锁餐厅;
Executive MBA Degree Holder of a joint programme offered by Columbia University Business School, London Business School and Hong Kong University Business School;
Awarded an OBE by Queen Elizabeth II in recognition to his services on behalf of British businesses and legal services in China. 被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予 OBE 爵位,以表彰其所代表英国企业和中国法律服务机构所提供的卓越服务和成就。