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The "Future Leaders Series" is a new program designed by the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong to support and up-skill business leaders to better lead and manage their teams. It aims to provide learning exposure and connectivity to individuals in leadership or management positions; for those stepping into leadership positions or more tenured managers.

BritCham Guangdong has designed three bespoke training courses, each consisting of 3 workshops dedicated to helping you focus on your leadership behaviours and styles, how you resolve conflict, and your communications skills in presenting and


24 August: Negotiating and Persuading

Trainer: David Butler (in English)

Business is full of situations where you need to convince others else to do something in your interests, whether it's your team, your partners or your overseas counterparts. An understanding of corporate and national cultures will inform both your strategy and your negotiating manner.

This workshop is for anyone who needs to negotiate with and persuade others to do something in their interests. These situations include negotiating a contract, motivating your team to meet targets or persuading your boss to make a favorable decision.

In this practical workshop you will learn:

  1. Choosing your negotiating strategy
  2. The importance of BATNA
  3. Being a principled and courteous negotiator
  4. 6 principles of persuasion and their application to business life
  5. The role of company and national culture
  6. Dealing with dirty tricks



Click here​​ for more details of the whole series workshop.

The "Future Leaders Series" is a new program designed by the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong to support and up-skill business leaders to better lead and manage their teams. It aims to provide learning exposure and connectivity to individuals in leadership or management positions; for those stepping into leadership positions or more tenured managers.

The courses are aimed at three different types of leaders (career tracks):

1) General management:

a. Leaders Behavioural Science

b. Conflict Management

c. Leading the Team

2) Sales/Business development:

a. Leaders Behavioural Science

b. Negotiating and Persuading

c. Business Communication Skills

3) Start-up Entrepreneurs:

a. Tycoon- start-up simulation

b. Pitching and Presentation Skills

c. Negotiating and Persuading

* Single workshop registration options are also available.

The calendar consisting 3 tracks of the whole workshop.


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