As Generative AI evolves, its impact ripples across various industries, including Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Traditionally a domain demanding human expertise, SEO tasks range from keyword analysis to content strategy and analytics reporting. But can machines like ChatGPT replace the human touch in SEO? In this exploration, we'll examine the capabilities of Generative AI in SEO, highlight its limitations, and touch upon how Chinese AI models approach this domain.
1. Generative AI is taking jobs from SEO professionals?
2. Where can Chatgpt be used on SEO?
A)Keyword Research And Analysis B) Content Strategy Development C)Better Understanding Of Search Intent D)Generating Good SEO Titles E)Composing And Managing Analytics Reports3. What shouldn't Chatgpt be used for SEO
A) Less than ideal use case: Content creation
B) How Google EEAT against low quality AI generated content
4. A Glimpse of Chinese Generative AI on SEO
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