The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) is an membership based organisation in China, helping members with business development through events, networking, introductions and referrals.
Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential Chambers in the PRD and has offices in both Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the

Our membership network is comprised of companies operating in a wide range of sectors and industries, including Education, Hospitality, Finance, Hi-tech, Manufacturing, Healthcare and etc. Up to today, BritCham has over 200 members and is growing.

Contact us

Event Details 活动详情

Ever Since 2010, BritCham's British Day has been a significant event in GBA, celebrating the British culture, gathering friends from all around the world. In British Day, you can enjoy a day full of creativity and joy, along with your family and friends. 

Join us for our 2024 British day, for more fun activities, authetic British music, secret prizes and great food & beverage! Click here for more past highlights of the British Day.

Guangzhou British Day will be held in Saturday, 2 November in Canton Place. Our theme of the British Day this year will be "Cool Britannia", bringing our guests authentic British experiences with a nostalgic vibe. We are now calling for our booth vendors to design & devise your pavilion under the theme, in order to bring our guests the best experience.


广州英国日将于 2024 年 11 月 2 日于广粤天地举行。点击此处回顾往年英国日精彩瞬间。

今年英国日,主办单位广东英国商会将以" Cool Britannia"为主题,为大家带来一场极具英伦风情的户外活动。我们呼吁所有展商摊位的装饰、活动和游戏围绕主题进行设计构思。



  • 来自不同行业的英商会会员 
  • 超过60个摊位
  • 中外家庭 
  • 来自世界各地的朋友以及留英校友
  • 等等……

多渠道高曝光 总曝光量高达100,000+:

  • 活动报名平台: 23,000+ 浏览量 
  • 英商会微信公众号: 21,000+浏览量
  • 英商会微博: 16,000+浏览量 
  • 英商会其他渠道:9,000+浏览量
  • 媒体合作伙伴: 12,500+浏览量
  • 等等…


  • 在广州英国日与超过4000名活动参与者互动
  • 向广东英国商会社区宣传您的品牌
  •  一个带棚的标准摊位
  • 椅子(2把)
  • 基本电力设施
  • 可装扮自己的摊位


  • 运动项目或小游戏
  • 小活动
  • 工艺品或其他产品销售
  • 餐饮


超过 1500 人参与了深圳英国日活动

  • 来自不同行业的英商会会员 
  • 超过40个摊位
  • 中外家庭 
  • 来自世界各地的朋友以及留英校友
  • 等等……

多渠道高曝光 总曝光量高达50,000+:

  • 活动报名平台: 15,000+ 浏览量 
  • 英商会微信公众号: 6,000+浏览量
  • 英商会微博: 8,000+浏览量 
  • 英商会其他渠道:8,700+浏览量
  • 媒体合作伙伴:  12,000+浏览量
  • 等等…


  • 在深圳英国日同超过1500名活动参与者互动
  • 向广东英国商会社区宣传您的品牌
  •  一个带棚的标准摊位
  • 椅子(2把)
  • 基本电力设施
  • 可装扮自己的摊位


  • 运动项目或小游戏
  • 小活动
  • 工艺品或其他产品销售
  • 餐饮

Sponsors and Partners

All prices include relevant government taxes.


广州场 - 标准会员价 Standard Member Price

*for BritCham members only! 仅限广东英国商会会员

Member PriceRMB 2,300

广州场 - 标准非会员价 Standard Non-member Price

Public PriceRMB 3,300

广州场 - 会员早鸟价 Early Bird Price for Members

*for BritCham members only! 仅限广东英国商会会员
** Only application before 15th September can enjoy the early bird price.

Member Early Bird PriceRMB 1,800

广州场 - 非会员早鸟价 Early Bird Price for Non-members

* Only application before 15th September can enjoy the early bird price.

Early Bird PriceRMB 2,800



Canton Place 广粤天地
1-48 Haifeng Road, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou

广州, 广东, China

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

See route